11MDS - Media Studies
Subject Description
Teacher in Charge: Mr J. Cargill.
Media Studies examines the different channels of communication that can reach or influence people, including television, film and social media. Year 11 Media Studies builds on the introductory junior media courses by examining different contexts and creating different types of media. The course includes the production of narrative music videos, an examination of the superhero genre, and analysing the representation of families in sitcoms over time. Critical literacy skills will be developed through unpacking how youth crime is reported in news media and ethical issues with social media platforms. As well as creating music videos, which will be eligible for the Macademy Awards, units will include the production of different media including video essays and podcasts. This course will prepare students for undertaking NCEA media studies at Level Two or a new intended media studies Cambridge pathway in 2026.
Course prerequisites
The course will build upon learning in 9DML and 10DML, but these courses are not required to access the content in 11MDS.
Course Skills
Reading, Comprehension and Writing
Communication and Collaboration
Problem Solving and Analysis
Practical - Hands On
Reading, Comprehension and Writing
The student can expect to be reading articles for comprehension and writing paragraphs and essays.
Option Subjects with the Skill
- 11GEO - Geography (MCert)
- 11HEA - Health (MCert)
- 11PEA - Physical Education (MCert)
- 11MAO - Te Reo Maori (MCert)
- 11SPA - Spanish (MCert)
- 12CLC - Classical Studies - 9274 AS Level
- 12HIC - History - 9489 AS Level
- 13HIC - History - 9489 A2 Level
- 12VPS - Vocational Pathway Studies - NCEA Level 2*
- 11DRA - Drama (MCert)
- 10COM - Commerce
- 11COM - Commerce (MCert)
- 11SCI - Science (MCert)
- 11CHG - Challenge Course (MCert)
- 12ECE - Early Childhood Studies - NCEA Level 2*
- 12MAO - Te Reo Maori - NCEA Level 2
- 13GEC - Geography - 9696 A2 Level
- 12BIC - Biology -9700 AS Level
- 13BIC - Biology - 9700 A2 Level
- 13ENC - English Language - 9093 A2 Level
- 12ELC - Literature in English - 9695 AS Level
- 13ENG - English - NCEA Level 3
- 13MDS - Media Studies - NCEA Level 3
- 12ENG - English - NCEA Level 2
- 12ENL - English (Literacy) - NCEA Level 2
- 12ODE -Outdoor Education - NCEA Level 2
- 12MUS - Music - NCEA Level 2
- 12SPA - Spanish -NCEA Level 2
- 12GEO -Geography - NCEA Level 2
- 12HIS - History - NCEA Level 2
- 12CLS - Classical Studies - NCEA Level 2
- 12TRT - Travel and Tourism - NCEA Level 2*
- 12HEA - Health - NCEA Level 2
- 13GEO - Geography - NCEA Level 3
- 13HIS - History - NCEA Level 3
- 13SOS - Social Studies - NCEA Level 3
- 13TRT - Travel and Tourism - NCEA Level 3*
- 13HEA - Health - NCEA Level 3
- 12GEC - Geography - 9696 AS Level
- 12ESL - ESOL - NCEA Level 2
- 12DRA - Drama - NCEA Level 2
- 12MDS - Media Studies - NCEA Level 2
- 12MAN - Mandarin - NCEA Level 2
- 13CNC - Chinese - 9868 A2 Level
- 12JAP - Japanese - NCEA Level 2
- 11MAN - Mandarin ( MCert)
- 13DRA -Drama -NCEA Level 3
- 13MAN - Mandarin - NCEA Level 3
- 13MAO - Te Reo Maori - NCEA Level 3
- 13SPA - Spanish - NCEA Level 3
- 13JAP - Japanese - NCEA Level 3
- 11JAP - Japanese (MCert)
- 12PEA - Physical Education - NCEA Level 2
- 13PEA - Physical Education - NCEA Level 3
- 13ODE - Outdoor Education - NCEA Level 3
- 11CHE - Chemistry (MCert)
- 12BIO - Biology - NCEA Level 2
- 13BIO - Biology - NCEA Level 3
- 12BSC - Business - 9609 AS Level
- 12BUS - Business Studies - NCEA Level 2
- 12ECC - Economics - 9708 AS Level
- 12ECO - Economics - NCEA Level 2
- 13ECO - Economics - NCEA Level 3
- 11MUS - Music (MCert)
- 12ENC - English Language - 9093 AS Level
The student can expect to be creative; where they are making, designing or expressing themselves.
Option Subjects with the Skill
- 11MAO - Te Reo Maori (MCert)
- 11SPA - Spanish (MCert)
- 13DTC - Design and Technology - 9705 A2 Level
- 11DRA - Drama (MCert)
- 12MAO - Te Reo Maori - NCEA Level 2
- 13ENC - English Language - 9093 A2 Level
- 12ELC - Literature in English - 9695 AS Level
- 13ENG - English - NCEA Level 3
- 13MDS - Media Studies - NCEA Level 3
- 12ENG - English - NCEA Level 2
- 12ENL - English (Literacy) - NCEA Level 2
- 12MUS - Music - NCEA Level 2
- 12SPA - Spanish -NCEA Level 2
- 12TRT - Travel and Tourism - NCEA Level 2*
- 12TEX - Textiles - NCEA Level 2
- 13TRT - Travel and Tourism - NCEA Level 3*
- 12DTC - Design and Technology - 9705 AS Level
- 12DRA - Drama - NCEA Level 2
- 12MDS - Media Studies - NCEA Level 2
- 13DVV - Design and Visual Communication -NCEA Level 3
- 13PRD - Product Design - NCEA Level 3
- 12MAN - Mandarin - NCEA Level 2
- 12JAP - Japanese - NCEA Level 2
- 11MAN - Mandarin ( MCert)
- 13DRA -Drama -NCEA Level 3
- 12FDT - Food Technology - NCEA Level 2*
- 12ADE - Art Design - NCEA Level 2
- 12APA - Art Painting - NCEA Level 2
- 11ADP - Art Design and Photography (MCert)
- 11ART - Art Painting (MCert)
- 12APH - Art Photography - NCEA Level 2
- 12DVV - Design and Visual Communication - NCEA Level 2
- 11JAP - Japanese (MCert)
- 10DRA - Drama
- 10DAN - Dance
- 11MUS - Music (MCert)
- 09DAN - Dance
- 09DRA - Drama
- 12ENC - English Language - 9093 AS Level
The student can expect to be using technology either to be learning how technology works or to be using technology extensively within the subject.
Option Subjects with the Skill
- 13DTC - Design and Technology - 9705 A2 Level
- 11DRA - Drama (MCert)
- 12PYC - Physics - 9702 AS Level
- 12ENM - Engineering (Mechanical) - NCEA Level 2*
- 12TEX - Textiles - NCEA Level 2
- 12DTC - Design and Technology - 9705 AS Level
- 13DVV - Design and Visual Communication -NCEA Level 3
- 12PHY - Physics - NCEA Level 2
- 12DVV - Design and Visual Communication - NCEA Level 2
- 11MUS - Music (MCert)
Communication and Collaboration
The student can expect for a substantial part of the course to communicate and collaborate with other students in the class.
Option Subjects with the Skill
- 11GEO - Geography (MCert)
- 11HEA - Health (MCert)
- 11PEA - Physical Education (MCert)
- 11MAO - Te Reo Maori (MCert)
- 11SPA - Spanish (MCert)
- 12CLC - Classical Studies - 9274 AS Level
- 12HIC - History - 9489 AS Level
- 13HIC - History - 9489 A2 Level
- 11DRA - Drama (MCert)
- 10COM - Commerce
- 11COM - Commerce (MCert)
- 11SCI - Science (MCert)
- 11CHG - Challenge Course (MCert)
- 12MAO - Te Reo Maori - NCEA Level 2
- 13GEC - Geography - 9696 A2 Level
- 12CHC - Chemistry - 9701 AS Level
- 13CHC - Chemistry - 9701 A2 Level
- 13ENC - English Language - 9093 A2 Level
- 12ELC - Literature in English - 9695 AS Level
- 13ENG - English - NCEA Level 3
- 13MDS - Media Studies - NCEA Level 3
- 12ENG - English - NCEA Level 2
- 12ENL - English (Literacy) - NCEA Level 2
- 12ENM - Engineering (Mechanical) - NCEA Level 2*
- 12MUS - Music - NCEA Level 2
- 12SPA - Spanish -NCEA Level 2
- 12GEO -Geography - NCEA Level 2
- 12HIS - History - NCEA Level 2
- 12CLS - Classical Studies - NCEA Level 2
- 12TRT - Travel and Tourism - NCEA Level 2*
- 12HEA - Health - NCEA Level 2
- 13GEO - Geography - NCEA Level 3
- 13HIS - History - NCEA Level 3
- 13SOS - Social Studies - NCEA Level 3
- 13TRT - Travel and Tourism - NCEA Level 3*
- 13HEA - Health - NCEA Level 3
- 12GEC - Geography - 9696 AS Level
- 12DRA - Drama - NCEA Level 2
- 12MDS - Media Studies - NCEA Level 2
- 13DVV - Design and Visual Communication -NCEA Level 3
- 12MAN - Mandarin - NCEA Level 2
- 13CNC - Chinese - 9868 A2 Level
- 12JAP - Japanese - NCEA Level 2
- 11MAN - Mandarin ( MCert)
- 13DRA -Drama -NCEA Level 3
- 13MAN - Mandarin - NCEA Level 3
- 13MAO - Te Reo Maori - NCEA Level 3
- 13SPA - Spanish - NCEA Level 3
- 13JAP - Japanese - NCEA Level 3
- 12CHE - Chemistry - NCEA Level 2
- 12FDT - Food Technology - NCEA Level 2*
- 11JAP - Japanese (MCert)
- 13ODE - Outdoor Education - NCEA Level 3
- 10DRA - Drama
- 10DAN - Dance
- 13BIO - Biology - NCEA Level 3
- 12BSC - Business - 9609 AS Level
- 12BUS - Business Studies - NCEA Level 2
- 12ECC - Economics - 9708 AS Level
- 12ECO - Economics - NCEA Level 2
- 11MUS - Music (MCert)
- 09DAN - Dance
- 09DRA - Drama
- 09ENT - Enterprise Studies
- 12ENC - English Language - 9093 AS Level
Problem Solving and Analysis
The student can expect to dig deeper to understand and explain concepts and ideas.
Option Subjects with the Skill
- 11GEO - Geography (MCert)
- 11HEA - Health (MCert)
- 11PEA - Physical Education (MCert)
- 13DTC - Design and Technology - 9705 A2 Level
- 12CLC - Classical Studies - 9274 AS Level
- 12HIC - History - 9489 AS Level
- 13HIC - History - 9489 A2 Level
- 11DRA - Drama (MCert)
- 10COM - Commerce
- 11COM - Commerce (MCert)
- 11SCI - Science (MCert)
- 12ECE - Early Childhood Studies - NCEA Level 2*
- 13GEC - Geography - 9696 A2 Level
- 12CHC - Chemistry - 9701 AS Level
- 12BIC - Biology -9700 AS Level
- 12PYC - Physics - 9702 AS Level
- 13MSC - Mathematics - 9709 A2 Level
- 13BIC - Biology - 9700 A2 Level
- 13CHC - Chemistry - 9701 A2 Level
- 13MFC - Further Mathematics - 9231 A2 Level
- 13MAT - Mathematics (Calculus) - NCEA Level 3
- 12ODE -Outdoor Education - NCEA Level 2
- 12SPA - Spanish -NCEA Level 2
- 12GEO -Geography - NCEA Level 2
- 12HIS - History - NCEA Level 2
- 12CLS - Classical Studies - NCEA Level 2
- 12TRT - Travel and Tourism - NCEA Level 2*
- 12HEA - Health - NCEA Level 2
- 12TEX - Textiles - NCEA Level 2
- 13GEO - Geography - NCEA Level 3
- 13HIS - History - NCEA Level 3
- 13SOS - Social Studies - NCEA Level 3
- 13TRT - Travel and Tourism - NCEA Level 3*
- 13HEA - Health - NCEA Level 3
- 12GEC - Geography - 9696 AS Level
- 12DTC - Design and Technology - 9705 AS Level
- 12DRA - Drama - NCEA Level 2
- 12MST - Statistics - NCEA Level 2
- 12MTC - Mathematics - 9709 AS Level
- 13DVV - Design and Visual Communication -NCEA Level 3
- 13PRD - Product Design - NCEA Level 3
- 12MAN - Mandarin - NCEA Level 2
- 13DRA -Drama -NCEA Level 3
- 12CHE - Chemistry - NCEA Level 2
- 12PHY - Physics - NCEA Level 2
- 12FDT - Food Technology - NCEA Level 2*
- 12ADE - Art Design - NCEA Level 2
- 12APA - Art Painting - NCEA Level 2
- 12APH - Art Photography - NCEA Level 2
- 12DVV - Design and Visual Communication - NCEA Level 2
- 12MAT - Mathematics - NCEA Level 2
- 12PEA - Physical Education - NCEA Level 2
- 13PEA - Physical Education - NCEA Level 3
- 13ODE - Outdoor Education - NCEA Level 3
- 11CHE - Chemistry (MCert)
- 12BIO - Biology - NCEA Level 2
- 12ACC - Accounting - 9706 AS Level
- 12ACT - Accounting - NCEA Level 2
- 12BSC - Business - 9609 AS Level
- 12BUS - Business Studies - NCEA Level 2
- 12ECC - Economics - 9708 AS Level
- 12ECO - Economics - NCEA Level 2
- 13ECO - Economics - NCEA Level 3
- 11MUS - Music (MCert)
Practical - Hands On
The student can expect to be “practical” in the subject. Using their physical body is essential within the subject.
Option Subjects with the Skill
- 11GEO - Geography (MCert)
- 11PEA - Physical Education (MCert)
- 13DTC - Design and Technology - 9705 A2 Level
- 12VPS - Vocational Pathway Studies - NCEA Level 2*
- 11DRA - Drama (MCert)
- 11SCI - Science (MCert)
- 11CHG - Challenge Course (MCert)
- 12ECE - Early Childhood Studies - NCEA Level 2*
- 12MAO - Te Reo Maori - NCEA Level 2
- 12CHC - Chemistry - 9701 AS Level
- 12BIC - Biology -9700 AS Level
- 12PYC - Physics - 9702 AS Level
- 13BIC - Biology - 9700 A2 Level
- 13CHC - Chemistry - 9701 A2 Level
- 13MDS - Media Studies - NCEA Level 3
- 12ENM - Engineering (Mechanical) - NCEA Level 2*
- 12ODE -Outdoor Education - NCEA Level 2
- 12MUS - Music - NCEA Level 2
- 12TEX - Textiles - NCEA Level 2
- 13GEO - Geography - NCEA Level 3
- 12DTC - Design and Technology - 9705 AS Level
- 12DRA - Drama - NCEA Level 2
- 12MDS - Media Studies - NCEA Level 2
- 13DVV - Design and Visual Communication -NCEA Level 3
- 13PRD - Product Design - NCEA Level 3
- 13DRA -Drama -NCEA Level 3
- 12CHE - Chemistry - NCEA Level 2
- 12PHY - Physics - NCEA Level 2
- 12FDT - Food Technology - NCEA Level 2*
- 12ADE - Art Design - NCEA Level 2
- 12APA - Art Painting - NCEA Level 2
- 11ADP - Art Design and Photography (MCert)
- 11ART - Art Painting (MCert)
- 12APH - Art Photography - NCEA Level 2
- 12DVV - Design and Visual Communication - NCEA Level 2
- 12PEA - Physical Education - NCEA Level 2
- 13PEA - Physical Education - NCEA Level 3
- 13ODE - Outdoor Education - NCEA Level 3
- 10DRA - Drama
- 10DAN - Dance
- 11CHE - Chemistry (MCert)
- 12BIO - Biology - NCEA Level 2
- 13BIO - Biology - NCEA Level 3
- 11MUS - Music (MCert)
- 09DAN - Dance
- 09DRA - Drama
- 09ENT - Enterprise Studies
Option Subjects with the Skill
All subjects for 2025 are subject to numbers and staff.