Macleans College Macleans College

12PEA - Physical Education - NCEA Level 2

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr A. Venter.

Recommended Prior Learning

C,C,C,C,C or better in your 5 best MCert subjects.

Completion of 11PEA may be an advantage but is not essential.

Open Entry.

12 Physical Education - NCEA Level 2

Course Statement:
The course comprises five units of study. We analyse how the relationships between human anatomy and associated biomechanical principles impact student's execution of their forearm groundstroke shot in tennis. In doing so, this increases student's understanding of how anatomical and biomechanical principles can be used to better performance. Students utilize principles and methods of training, and biophysical concepts to develop a training programme that prepares them for the assessed physical activity of this course. Students will undertake an in-depth examination of the significance of physical activity for young people in New Zealand and investigate the sociological impact of a current and significant sporting event on themselves, others and wider society.
Student Voice:

Topics Covered:
  • Sociology

  • Biomechanical Principles

  • Biophysical Training Principles

  • Sports Psychology

  • Skill Acquisition

  • Performance of a physical skill in an applied setting


Physical Education and Health


13PEA - Physical Education - NCEA Level 3


All subjects for 2024 are subject to numbers and staff.