Macleans College Macleans College

12HIS - History - NCEA Level 2

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs A. Heeney.

Recommended Prior Learning

Year 11 History: 11HIS: MCERT History

or C,C,C,C,C or better in your 5 best MCERT subjects

12 History - NCEA Level 2

Course Statement:
The course of study this year is entitled Revolution, Rights and Rivalries (political and social change and nationalism) and looks at some of the major historical events of the 20th century. We will study the Origins of World War I and look at what impact the war had on New Zealand society.  The Russian Revolution and Black Civil Rights in the USA are also studied.
Topics Covered:

• Revolution (political change) = Russian Revolution 

• Rights (social change) = Black Civil Rights 

• Rivalries (nationalism) = Origins of World War I 

Student Voice:

12HIS Student Voice


Social Sciences


13HIS - History - NCEA Level 3


All subjects for 2024 are subject to numbers and staff.