11DVV - Design and Visual Communication (MCert)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs R. Winn.


Year 11 Design & Visual Communication                                             MCert

Course Statement:

Design and Visual Communication provides a variety of design, drawing and digital experiences to assist in developing creative thinking and promoting a broader awareness and understanding of design. 

 This course involves extending core design knowledge, detailed drawing skills and the use of digital tools. Students will explore and refine design ideas in response to a brief informed by designer models, using creative strategies and visual techniques to aid design thinking. The use of visual communication and digital presentation skills is integral for effective design.

Topics Covered:

  • Fundamental skills in visual communication.
  • Spatial Design: Students will use inspiration from influential designers to assist in the design of a Coastal Retreat.
  • Product Design: Students will develop a stylish water bottle for a particular context.
  • Design presentation: Students create final rendered architectural drawings and use advanced modelling techniques to achieve polished outcomes.

Leads to:

12DVV: NCEA Level 2 Design & Visual Communication

12DTC: CAIE AS Design & Technology

Recommended Prior Learning

Students can not study both 11DVV: Design & Visual Communication and 11PRD: Product Design.



All subjects for 2024 are subject to numbers and staff.