10SOA - Social Studies Extension

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr N. Hamilton.

10 Social Studies Extension

The overall aim of Social Studies at Macleans College is to provide an interesting and varied introduction to the Social Sciences.  Students will develop the skills of intelligent writing, source interpretation and evaluation, research and examination skills that will equip them for Classical Studies, Geography, History, and Social Studies in the senior school.  

The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to all three of the major Social Science and Humanity subjects, History, Geography and Classical Studies. The course may include;

- Nazi Germany 

- Modern China. From the Manchus to Mao to Modern Day.

- Weathering the Storm: weather and climate and climate change.

- Human Rights

- An inquiry project on current global geographical issues.


High achieving students might progress straight into AS Geography, History or Classical Studies.


All subjects for 2025 are subject to numbers and staff.