10PED - Physical Education

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr A. Venter.

10 Physical Education

This course consists of practical and theoretical components.   Health makes up one-third of the course and the rest is practical.  Practical activities ensure that students gain a broad movement base and that they are exposed to learning a variety of different skills.

Within health, students explore how to manage change and be resilient to the ups and downs that happen in life. They broaden their knowledge of sex and sexuality, and what constitutes a positive romantic relationship. Alcohol and drug education ensures students can make health-enhancing decisions to positively impact their well-being. A final unit is on fitness and expands on students’ knowledge from Year 9 of how the body functions.

Physical Education: 

  • Athletics, 

  • Football, 

  • Basketball, 

  • Cardiovascular Activities, 

  • Hockey, 

  • Minor Games, 

  • Softball, 

  • Short Tennis, 

  • Game Creation, 

  • Ripper Rugby


  • Managing Change, 

  • Sex and Sexuality, 

  • Alcohol and Drug Education

  • Anatomy and Physiology

  • Fitness



All subjects for 2025 are subject to numbers and staff.